
Our Joint Work with the Group of Prof. Kwo was published in AIP Advances !

Gratulations to all Co-Workers ..... after a long time and intensive working and writing our Nature Communications got accepted

Group Dinner with current and former students
Group Dinner with current and former students
Welcome !

Two new Vietnamese MSc students started this week ! Welcome !

MSc 2020

Congratulations to Yong-He and Wun-Chang, who will soon graduate .... and experience a new life challenge by pursuing their PhD in Europe. Wish you all the best !

Yong He and Wun Chang


Wun-Chang received offer to conduct a PhD in Europe. Congratulations and best wishes for the defense of your MSc thesis

Yong-He got accepted for PhD Position at Bochum University, Germany 

We wish you a successful finish of your MSc Thesis and a happy new experience !